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0 votes
Hey so I'm trying to get Unity and Wwise integration going. Running on Mac. When I'm in the Wwise Launcher it prompts me to point to my Unity executable location. However, on Mac there are no executable files. Anyone else had the same problem?
in General Discussion by Dylan H. (100 points)
reshown by Beinan L. (Audiokinetic)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Dylan, you just have to browse for the that should be in your Applications folder.

FYI there are binary executables on Mac as well. There are just packaged inside what Apple call "bundles". Double clicking on a .app bundle will execute the internal executable and load your application.
by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic) (12.9k points)
Every time I navigate to Unity in my applications folder it is just grayed out and I'm unable to select it. And I don't see anywhere in the folder a "" or anything that is even able to be selected.

Thanks for your help in advance.
Can you tell me which version of Unity you are trying to browse to ?
Version 5.5.0f3
It looks like the browsing has some issues in the latest launcher version, our devs are looking into that to fix this in the next Launcher version, thanks for reporting the issue ! There's actually a workaround in order to set the path to your just type it manually in the " browse for executable " field. Your path should in theory be /Applications/Unity/
From there the launcher should recognize your .app and your Unity version so that you can carry on with the installation.
Hope this helps !
I'm suffering from this as well