
Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

+2 votes
I have a custom tool inside Unity that reads a WAV files into which I can manually add markers with labels for various utility in-game (subtitles, audio sync, etc.)
My cues are correctly recognized by Wwise and the callback are sent correctly whenever my wav is played, but the strLabel value attached to them is empty.

For those familiar with the wav file format. I manually added my cue structs to the cue chunk and I manually added my label data to the list chunk (which are correctly linked to the cues id)

Is there any reason my data of my label is being lost?
in General Discussion by Pier-Luc G. (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Anyone have the same issue? Someone from Audiokinetic can contribute on this matter?

As of right now, I still can't associate label data with markers. Label data is completely ignored
by Pier-Luc G. (180 points)
0 votes
This is super old, but for any who encounter this problem in the future, you may need to check your 'cue ' and 'list' chunks.  Many resources online don't match up to what Wwise is looking for - although the 1994 multimedia standards update doc from Microsoft seems to match up with it pretty well, and is the most official-looking WAVE standard I've come across.  To make WWise happy, contrary to what most websites say but totally in line with the Microsoft standard, for each of your cue points you must provide a Position regardless of whether there is a 'plst' and use a ChunkID of 'LIST' instead of 'list' for your associated data list.

I don't think I've run across any websites or info that match up with this, except for that ancient pdf.
by Justin L. (150 points)