Audiokinetic의 커뮤니티 Q&A는 사용자가 Wwise와 Strata 커뮤니티 내에서 서로 질문과 답변을 하는 포럼입니다. Audiokinetic의 기술 지원팀에게 문의하고 싶으신 경우 지원 티켓 페이지를 사용해주세요.

+1 투표
I was informed that a Wwise Authoring Application BETA for Mac is available.

What steps do I need to take in order to gain access to this BETA version? 

I would really like to get started working with Wwise on my Mac.
General Discussion Étienne C. (Audiokinetic) (1.8k 포인트) 로 부터

3 답변

+1 투표
우수 답변

Good news!

The "Wwise Mac Authoring Application" BETA is now open to everyone.

Your feedback is important:

In order to deliver the best experience possible of Wwise running on Mac, we would like to receive your input.

Please report any performance, usability or workflow related issues found in the Wwise Authoring Application for Mac BETA to the Audiokinetic Q&A section.

The "Wwise Mac Authoring Application" BETA is available from the Download page > Wwise Authoring (Mac OS X).

Étienne C. (Audiokinetic) (1.8k 포인트) 로 부터
수정 Étienne C. (Audiokinetic) 로 부터
0 투표

Here are the Release Notes for the public BETA:

Wwise Mac Authoring Application BETA


1) This is a BETA version of the Wwise Authoring Application for Mac. Please see below for a list of known issues with this BETA. This version of the Wwise Authoring Application for Mac can be used in a production and/or in a teaching environment.

2) This version is compatible with the latest Wwise Windows release available on our website ( Wwise projects and SoundBanks generated from this BETA Authoring Application for Mac can be used with the standard release of the Authoring Application for Windows.
3) Wwise project migration (2013.1 and over) is now supported on Mac OS X. To use an existing Wwise project that was created before 2013.1, please migrate the project first using the Wwise Authoring Application for Windows.

To install the Wwise Authoring Application for Mac:

1) Delete any previous Wwise Authoring Application for Mac installed on your system.
2) Extract the content of the "Wwise_Authoring_Mac" zip file.
3) Copy the Wwise application to your Mac OS X "Applications" folder.
4) Make sure you have an internet connection available on the Mac where you intend on installing Wwise.
5) Double-click the Wwise application.
6) On the 1st application launch, Wwise will automatically download the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Setup" that will be installed on your Mac on a per user basis.
7) Follow the instructions onscreen to install the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable".
8) Wwise will be launched automatically upon completion of the "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable" installation.

FIXED SINCE 2013.2.7_Build4856_MacAuthoringApplicationBETA:

WG-22215  Yellow and Green highlights in the Capture Log are badly drawn onscreen.

FIXED SINCE 2013.1.1_Build4677_Alpha2:

WG-22210  Wwise "splash screen"& "About Wwise" dialogs are empty.
WG-22218  Wwise contextual help is slow to display and ends up behind the main Wwise window on focus change.
WG-22221  CTRL-clicking in an edit box to reset a value pauses the playback.
WG-22225  Modal windows aren't really or completely modal. The window Z-order is not respected.
WG-22226  Wwise shuts down/CRASH when you try to migrate a project from a previous version.
WG-22227  Pressing the "Spacebar" should start a playback of the object loaded in the Transport.
WG-22229  Cannot import WAV files in Wwise using Drag and Drop.
WG-22230  Window focus is irritating in general. Often need to click twice instead of only once.
WG-22235  Need to use the MacOSX native "Open File/Folder" Browser.
WG-22236  Wwise related files (*.wwu, *.wproj, etc.) need to have a Wwise icon, not a Mac generic one.
WG-22717  Loudness Meter view toolbar UI isn't updated properly when you resize the view (floating and docked).
WG-22718  The "Search" edit box on the Wwise toolbar doesn't work properly.
WG-23229  RTPC axis labels and numbers are displayed too small.
WG-22721  Need to improve the Advanced Profiler view performances.

FIXED SINCE 2013.2.1_Build4821_BETA1:

WG-22238  The Project Explorer "Open Containing Folder" functionality doesn’t work.
WG-22239  The Project Explorer "Edit in External Editor" functionality should support *.app on the Mac (not *.exe).
WG-22245  The Copy Streamed Files operation fails after the SoundBank generation.
WG-22385  AAC conversion fails. Need to use the Mac QuickTime AAC Encoder.
WG-22386  The various Profiling views content is not updated onscreen when "Follow Capture Time" and the Advanced Profiler "Voices" tabs are displayed.
WG-23919  Give an appropriate error message when a user attempts to migrate a pre-2013.1 project.

Étienne C. (Audiokinetic) (1.8k 포인트) 로 부터
수정 Étienne C. (Audiokinetic) 로 부터
0 투표


WG-22211  YouTube videos are not displayed in the Project Launcher.
WG-22214  Wwise layouts get messed up when you use the MacOS X window management buttons.
WG-22215  Yellow and Green highlights in the Capture Log are badly drawn onscreen.
WG-22216  Slider value font size changes on mouse over in the SoundSeed Air plugins source editor.
WG-22217  White borders appear when you display/resize a floating view.
WG-22219  The Game Object 3D Viewer doesn't work. Missing view in the Game Object Profiler layout.
WG-22220  Wwise CRASH when you close the Wwise Motion Generator Source Editor.
WG-22222  Wwise Help dialog doesn't remain open if called from the Mac menu bar.
WG-22228  Find a way to expose Mac keyboard shortcuts.
WG-22231  There's no anti-aliasing on RTPC curves.
WG-22232  The Sound Engine dies if you play a MP3 Input source plugin after changing its Start Position.
WG-22234  Select "Mac" as default platform on MacOS X.
WG-22237  Cannot open a Wwise project by double-clicking the *.WPROJ file.
WG-22241  There's a noticeable Audio Latency when using a 4 buffers (85.33ms) Output Buffer Latency in the User Preferences.
WG-22242  Can't delete an object in the Project Explorer using the "Delete" key.
WG-22243  Pressing the ESC key in the SoundBanks Manager "User Settings" dialog clears its content instead of closing it.
WG-22244  Source Control plug-ins (Perforce and Subversion) are not supported.
WG-22387  Windows "Volume Threshold" entry is missing/empty in the Project Settings dialog.
WG-22388  The "Default" tab selected in every View is not highlighted as expected.
WG-22389  View content disappears when you try to dock/undock it from the layout.
WG-22390  There's no audio output if you select XAudio2 in the User Preferences.
WG-22717  Loudness Meter view toolbar UI isn't updated properly when you resize the view (floating and docked).
WG-23660  The Performance Monitor contextual menu is not available.
WG-23920  Cannot import WAV files in Wwise using CTRL-Drag and Drop/CTRL-SHIFT Drag and Drop.
WG-24778  Renaming an object in the Property Editor doesn't rename it in the Project Explorer right away.
WG-24779  Prevent moving WAV files outside the "Originals" folder and give an error message.
WG-24808  Operations performed in the File Manager "Work Units" tab do not prompt to reopen the Wwise project.
WG-24974  Edit box content does not update properly when you edit the SoundBanks Path or Pre/Post Generation Steps.
WG-25029  New object name is not highlighted by default in Object Creation dialog.
WG-25032  Missing progress bar when using Connect to File with a Profiling Session.WG-23660    Mac: The Performance Monitor contextual menu is not available.
WG-23920  Cannot import WAV files in Wwise using CTRL-Drag and Drop/CTRL-SHIFT Drag and Drop.
WG-24778  Renaming an object in the Property Editor doesn't rename it in the Project Explorer right away.
WG-24779  Prevent moving WAV files outside the "Originals" folder and give an error message.
WG-24808  Operations performed in the File Manager "Work Units" tab do not prompt to reopen the Wwise project.
WG-24974  Edit box content does not update properly when you edit the SoundBanks Path or Pre/Post Generation Steps.
WG-25029  New object name is not highlighted by default in Object Creation dialog.
WG-25032  Missing progress bar when using Connect to File with a Profiling Session.
WG-25129  Wwise keyboard shortcuts are broken when using the Japanese "Romaji" and "Katakana" input sources.

Étienne C. (Audiokinetic) (1.8k 포인트) 로 부터
수정 Étienne C. (Audiokinetic) 로 부터