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+1 vote
So I managed to change something with the Randomizer window so that it won't allow me to do decimals in the min/max fields anymore :/ I don't know how it happened, but when I try to do a "." it simply doesn't register anything, and instead does the whole number without the decimal. For instance, if I press "0.2" the result is "02". Also the range on the slider of the field varies from parameter to parameter. Lowest being -/+60 and highest being -/+3600. The weird thing is that this only happens in one project, whereas my other projects works normally. Is there somewhere I can reset the behavior of the randomizer window? I tried the "Reset Factory Layouts", but that doesn't affect the Randomizer.
in General Discussion by Nicolai H. (140 points)

1 Answer

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Best answer

This is a known issue in Wwise 2016.2.0 The bug number is WG-31697. It will be fixed in 2016.2.1.

Here is the workaround:

  • Close Wwise
  • From Wwise Launcher, go to Wwise tab
  • From the 2016.2.0.5972 wrench menu, click Open Containing Folder
  • Edit file "...\Wwise 2016.2.0.5972\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\WObjects.xml" in text editor
  • Go to line 4840, and insert the following line below the <Property Name="Min"...> element:
    <UserInterface Step="1" Fine="0.1" Decimals="3" />
  • Go to line 4853, and insert the following line below the <Property Name="Max"...> element:
    <UserInterface Step="1" Fine="0.1" Decimals="3" />
  • Save WObjects.xml
  • Repeat for the Authoring\Win32 folder if required.
  • Restart Wwise
Resulting XML should be:
<WwiseObject Name="Modifier" DisplayGroup="Randomizer" CompanyID="1" PluginID="15">
      <Property Name="Enabled" Type="bool" DisplayName="Enabled">
      <Property Name="Min" Type="Real64" DisplayName="Min Offset">
        <UserInterface Step="1" Fine="0.1" Decimals="3" />
          <PropertyDependency Name="Enabled" Action="Enable">
              <Enumeration Type="bool">
      <Property Name="Max" Type="Real64" DisplayName="Max Offset">
        <UserInterface Step="1" Fine="0.1" Decimals="3" />
          <PropertyDependency Name="Enabled" Action="Enable">
              <Enumeration Type="bool">
by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35.8k points)
edited by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)