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A project that is working fine without Wwise integration gets errors when the Wwise Integration Package is imported.

Platform Mac

Wwise version 2016.1.3

Wwise integration package: WwiseUnityIntegration_v2016.1.3_Mac.unitypackage

Unity version 5.4.2


Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkUtilities.cs(692,41): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type `System.Reflection.FieldInfo' to `FieldInfo'

Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkUtilities.cs(693,41): error CS0029: Cannot implicitly convert type `System.Reflection.FieldInfo' to `FieldInfo'

Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkUtilities.cs(696,109): error CS1061: Type `FieldInfo' does not contain a definition for `GetValue' and no extension method `GetValue' of type `FieldInfo' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkUtilities.cs(697,90): error CS1061: Type `FieldInfo' does not contain a definition for `GetValue' and no extension method `GetValue' of type `FieldInfo' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

If someone has an answer it would be awesome, I'm about to give up.


in General Discussion by Alvaro L. (150 points)

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