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I have four states set up in a music switch container. I have set them all to change immediately under the states tab and put in normal transitions  with a 3 sec time. All the states seem to change properly except one and it varies as to when it will change. Sometimes right away or it will wait until it completes its 16 bars. I have cues in this seg for "hits'. i am wondering if this is causing the strange behaviour. Also is the fact that it its a longer 16 bar loop that would cause a problem?

Cannot see what else it could be.


in General Discussion by Mike K. (180 points)

2 Answers

0 votes

The state changes can be delayed to sync music.  This can be done in the States tab of busses.  Verify the busses using the state, and look for the Change occurs at column.  You probably have a the change occurs at set to something different than Immediate.

by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35.8k points)
0 votes
Thanks for your response:

I did have everything set to immediate and after going over everything I found that the state changes now that I have put the three segments in this state, "Calm" , under one grouping (Sequnece continuous) in the Music Playlist  editor. I had each seg previously under a "Group" and it would not change until that group finished it seems.With all three segments under the one group it now changes to a new state properly.  Each seg has two tracks that are controlled by an RTPC Volume.
by Mike K. (180 points)
I was having the same issue, however my solution was not the same. For me it was setting up the correct information in the transition tab of the switch container. This tells Wwise how long to wait before switching. The General tab only indicates the grid value that is used by the transition but does not tell Wwise when inside that grid to change ( ie beat, bat etc).