
Audiokinetic's Community Q&A is the forum where users can ask and answer questions within the Wwise and Strata communities. If you would like to get an answer from Audiokinetic's Technical support team, make sure you use the Support Tickets page.

+1 vote

Is there a way to connect a full version of Limbo which I bought with HumbleBundle. As far as I remember, It did not come with any Unlock/License Key and was a direct launch after install.

I tried everything I could try with renaming/copying the contents of my previously installed folder into PlayGame. Also tried tried keeping the WEM files and other soundbanks related files. Both these methods didn't work.

Any workaround?

in General Discussion by User21186 (140 points)
retagged by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)

1 Answer

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Best answer
Only the Limbo version bundled with Wwise has the communication code enabled.  You can not connect to any other versions of Limbo.

The original Limbo games found on other sites (steam, humble, etc) were built with a previous version of Wwise, so the content (banks, wem) is not compatible with the latest version of Wwise, and vice versa.

Unfortunately, if the version you purchased does not have a Key, you won't be able to unlock the version bundled with Wwise without purcharsing another one.
by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35.8k points)
selected by Claude B. (Audiokinetic)
I have a Steam version of the game but it seems that the key does not work for the bundled version. Is there some solution to this? I would gladly pay for working copy of the game if I knew where to buy it. Thanks in advance.