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After running the 2016.1.2 Wwise/Unity Integration in Unity Build 5.4.0f3 I receive a pop up stating, "The Wwise Unity integration for the StandaloneWindows platform is currently not installed" I also receive multiple messages in the console that all read: 

WwiseUnity: Unknown platform: Win
AkPluginActivator:ActivatePlugins(String, Boolean) (at Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkPluginActivator.cs:348)
AkPluginActivator:RefreshPlugins() (at Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkPluginActivator.cs:93)
AkWwisePostImportCallback:RefreshCallback() (at Assets/Wwise/Editor/WwiseSetupWizard/AkWwisePostImportCallback.cs:25)

as well as:

"Unable to parse YAML file: [mapping values are not allowed in this context] at line 1"

The installation appears to have worked despite these errors, as I can view the wwise picerk as well as all the other wwise components in unity. Any error telling me otherwise is obviously a concern though. Any ideas what could be causing this?


in General Discussion by Matthew C. Earl (190 points)
Kind of flabbergasted that no one from AK bothered to respond to this. I'm getting this error as well and have spent the last 4 hours staring at my screen doing everything I can think of. My patience is nearly gone.

To clarify, everything in the scene works. No errors are thrown and all the sound processes as it is supposed to. But every time the scene is opened or run I get a warning pop-up window. "The Wwise Unity integration for the StandaloneWindows platform is currently not installed."

I have re-done the integration since this error first appeared multiple times selecting multiple combinations of platforms. Nothing I do works.

The error first appeared when I had to pull down a copy of this from my repo when a local version of Unity was conflicting with plugins that were imported. (None of the AK code was bothered.)

1 Answer

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Having this same problem, "The Wwise Unity integration for the StandaloneWindows64 platform is currently not installed." Has anyone found a solution for this?
by Jake R. (140 points)