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0 votes
Fresh install of Windows 10, the same setup was working on Win 7 before.

First, when I activated the Wwise plugin in Unreal the Windows path for the Wwise exe was not there, I added it myself : C:/Program Files (x86)/Audiokinetic/Wwise 2016.1.2.5863/Authoring/x64/Release/bin

The path to get to the command line has  " Authoring\Win32\Release\bin " added to it.

 LogAk:Error: Failed to run Wwise command-line: C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2016.1.2.5863\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\Authoring\Win32\Release\bin\WwiseCLI.exe

my default.ini :

WwiseWindowsInstallationPath=(Path="C:/Program Files (x86)/Audiokinetic/Wwise 2016.1.2.5863/Authoring/x64/Release/bin")

Where can I change the path for the command line ?

in General Discussion by User77771 (150 points)

1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

Hello, as shown in your error message, your path has an extra " Authoring\Win32\Release\bin ". This is because you have added the full path to WwiseCLI.exe folder while you actually just need to give the path of your Wwise installation folder (i.e. C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2016.1.2.5863).

To correctly set this path, open your UE4 project, go to Edit > Project Settings > Plugins > Wwise and simply change the "Wwise Windows Installation path "  field to C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2016.1.2.5863


by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic) (12.9k points)
selected by Noemie P. (Audiokinetic)
Thanks Fabien, it's working. I thought I had to select the Wwise.exe folder.
Thank you for this.