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0 votes
Unreal 4 version 4.12.1

Wwise Plugin on 2016.1 build 5775 64bit

Windows 10


If I open UE4 I can audition my AKevents from the content browser and they all behave fine. If I launch a game in the UE4 editor then back out, none of my AKevents will audition until a restart of UE4. It doesn't matter if I Simulate the game or Play In the editor Viewport. It happens each time regardless.This happens whether Wwise is open or closed, and it doesnt matter what order I open or close UE4 or Wwise in. Its making ambient design take forever, because of the constant restarts.
in General Discussion by Tom T. (340 points)
edited by Tom T.

1 Answer

0 votes
Hi Tom,

What may be a problem is your sound bank is getting unloaded somewhere along the line, make sure that that is not happening. That is the first thing that comes to mind.

Another problem maybe that depending on what audio software you use it may shut off your computer's sound engine. So for example I have bitwig on my machine, it starts asio4all, wwise runs off the main audio system. It will then cancel out wwise and corrupt the files temporarily. Even if I turn off bitwig for a second. If this is the case I would suggest not to do this because there were a few times my ENTIRE wwise file got corrupt and I had to make it again from scratch.

I am unsure what else it maybe, what does your log print out when you try and sample the event in UE4? Both output logs from UE4 AND wwise. Obviously make sure that wwise is connected to UE4 while doing so. Also try generating sound banks while doing so.  Sometimes that may give you a clue into what is happening.

by Robert M. (4.6k points)