I'm stumped. I have 4 similar emitters - all share the same attenuation curve. All have game-defined reverb sends, and three of those have volumes at -96 whereas the fourth is at 0. At the triggering of a certain event I have an RTPC that brings the -96 of the other three emitters up to 0. According to the profiler, the RTPC does in fact trigger and go to 100 - the value that would bring my 3 game-defined reverb bus volumes to 0. Moreover, also according to the profiler, the game-objects' sends are sending at healthy levels to the reverb in question - between -0.9 and 2.7 (variances due to two overlapping reverb zones). However, if I mute the one functioning emitter (the one that starts at 0) while profiling, all signal in the reverb send stops - despite what the profiler says, and no reverb can be heard. At the same time, if, while profiling, I manually click into the game-object's send's defined reverb bus volume and change it to 0, then the reverb works - signal comes into the reverb aux and reverb can be heard. Since the parameter is changing as designed, I figure the problem lies somehow in the RTPC not affecting the send volume, but everything looks Kosher to me and I cannot figure out what the problem is.