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+1 vote

Hi everyone, I'm writing because I'm trying to integrate Wwise in a simple empty c++ project (VS2015) for learn purpose, but I've got an error when i try to compile the complete InitSoundEngine() function ("Initialize the Different Modules of the Sound Engine ") .

THIS ERROR ---> Error C2664 'DWORD GetFileAttributesA(LPCSTR)': can not convert argument 1 'const AkOSChar *' to 'LPCSTR'

VS tells me the error is in the AkFileHelpers.h at line 180 //////   fileAttributes = GetFileAttributes(in_pszBasePath)

This is very strange because I already checked the box "Treat wchar_t as Built-in type" in project-settings.

An user of StackOverflow suggests me to modify the box "Character Set" (project-settings->general) from "multibyte " to "unicode", but at compile-time an ENORMOUS amount of errors overwhelm me !!!

Something like this -> LNK2019 reference to external symbol "public: __thiscall CAkDefaultIOHookBlocking :: CAkDefaultIOHookBlocking (void)" (?? 0CAkDefaultIOHookBlocking @@ QAE @ XZ) not solved in the function "void __cdecl` dynamic initializer for 'g_lowLevelIO' '(void) "(?? __ Eg_lowLevelIO @@ YAXXZ)

All the errors are referred to things included from folder "samples" contained in the SDK.

I hope someone cane help me, thanks in advance !!!




in General Discussion by Mattia P. (110 points)
Forgive the 2 year bump, but did you ever find a fix for this? I'm running into the same issue (Visual Studio 2017, x64 build)

1 Answer

0 votes
In case anyone else sees this, the issue for me was that the "Character Set" property in Visual Studio was set to "Use Multi-Byte Character Set". Changing it to Unicode fixed the issue.
by Daniel Pezdirc (140 points)