It appears that the AkReverbVolume Collision settings can affect how projectiles collide with the volume's edges and its interior. I'm using the UE4 First Person Example map, here is what I've observed:
1) When shooting a projectile it will bounce off the edges of the volume, but the character and other rigid bodies can pass through.
2) Inside the volume a reverb effect is heard but the projectile does not spawn or appear correctly. Instead it appears as invisible, but the sound and effects are still heard.
3) If collision presets are changed from OverlapAll to No Collision this allows the projectile to pass through the volume but not the character.
This collision behavior does not occur with native UE4 volumes. I don't know enough about collision properties in UE4 to debug this. Is there a viable solution?
My specs are:
MacOS 10.11.5, UE4 4.12.3, Wwise 2016.1
Thank you for your time.