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I have followed the instructions from the Wwise Unreal Integration help, but the output in UE keeps showing this every time I try to generate any soundbank:

LogAk: Starting Wwise SoundBank generation with the following command line:
LogAk: C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise v2015.1.6 build 5553\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\WwiseCLI.exe  "C:/Users/marti/Desktop/UE4_Integration-201603_Wwise_v2015.1.6_5553/WwiseDemoGame/UnrealWwiseDemo/UnrealDemo.wproj" -GenerateSoundBanks -Bank AmbientBank -Bank MatineeBank -Bank ReverbBank -Bank SwitchBank -Bank VelocityBank -ImportDefinitionFile "C:
/Users/marti/Desktop/UE4_Integration-201603_Wwise_v2015.1.6_5553/WwiseDemoGame/TempDefinitionFile.txt" -Platform Windows -SoundBankPath Windows "C:\Users\marti\Desktop\UE4_Integration-201603_Wwise_v2015.1.6_5553\WwiseDemoGame\Content\WwiseAudio\Windows" -Language English(US)
LogAk: Not able to create Wwise.exe process.
LogAk:Error: Wwise command-line failed with error 1.

分类:General Discussion | 用户: MartinBP (230 分)


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Hi Martin,

Just wondering did you set the project path under project settings?



That may be your problem, just set both of those and it should work.


用户: Robert M. (4.6k 分)
Hi Robert,

Thank you for your answer.
Yes, I did. Here are my settings:
Hmm are we still trying to get this to the demo game?

 If so the location is Wwise Demogame>UnrealWwiseDemo> UnrealDemo.wproj

Sorry just noticed the project name it is linked to.
If not it seems to me that your settings are correct if you're trying to link a new wwise project to a new unreal project. If you're still getting the errors I am unsure what your settings could be that they won't work. Sorry :(.

Yes, sorry, these are the settings for the Wwise DemoGame, which are the default ones I didn't touch I think:

So I get the same error message on every project. The weird thing is that on another machine, it works fine, although I don't really see what is different between each machine since the project (mine, not the Wwise DemoGame) is on Perforce and they both have the plugin installed the exact same way.

I will try a bit more to find what makes it work on the other machine and not on this one and will update this post if I find something.

Ok, my main machine still can't generate the banks directly in UE, so my workaround from now on is to generate the banks from Wwise to:
[UE Project's root]\Content\WwiseAudio\Windows