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Hello there

trying to set up a 5.0 surround sound wav file in wwise and let it play in the cryengine. its basically for a windturbine noise test, where someone stands an exact distance form the windturbine and hears the noise comming from it. so the 5 audio files are only correct in that exact spot.

 for now i used the multi channel creator and made a multi channel wav file with the correct audio files using the given suffixes. i also set audio to 7.1 channel configuration. made an event and soundbank in wwise to export to the cryengine. i set up rme madiface as my default device and set it as 7.1 surround sound (without subwofer).

everything works perfectly, except the audio is in stereo and not in 5.0 surround sound. it must be something in wwise that i need to correct, what could that be?

Problem solved!

in wwise if u set 3D spatialization, any channel configuration that u have set up for a multi channel file will be stereo. just uncheck spatialization and that should do it!!! :D
in General Discussion by Il Kook N. (100 points)
edited by Il Kook N.

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