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How can we raise Wwise thread priority to get a smooth sound on iPhone 4?

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We are currently trying to evaluate Wwise. Everything is going perfect and we consider to chose it as a main audio engine for a majority of our titles. But our tests revealed an issue with old devices based on single-core processors (iPhone4). Unfortunately we can not ignore such kind of devices for our casual games by the end of 2016 at least. We hope this issue may be solved and wwise may completely fit our requirements. 

Can somebody give us a hint with this issue please? We initialize managers with default values like it was proposed in SDK Help.

On different devices we get voice starvation from time to time, but it have not caused any problems that can be heard. The great problems occurred on old iPhone 4: we are constantly getting source and voice starvation warnings. Source starvation warnings are followed by the same numbers 834851406 and 172208868 repeatedly. It makes game sounds to interrupt and somehow get in a sort of queue, to play a bit later when computing hardware is not so highly loaded. If we manually deactivate some of game systems like animations or part of drawing pipeline, the situation gets better and sounds play fine when the events sent.

So we came to conclusion that these problems are caused by overloaded hardware. We think we can drop down some processor time for other game systems in order to give Wwise more time to do its' job. But how can we raise threads’ priority for Wwise? Or, maybe, we have some facilities to synchronize with Wwise system in order to make the main thread to wait for Wwise threads rendering sound? Are there any other suggestions for our situation?

We're using Wwise 2014.1.3 SDK build 5219. The tests are running on our own C++ engine.

   Best regards,


asked Mar 2, 2016 in General Discussion by Alexander C. (100 points)

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