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Occlusion UE4

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My programmer and I noticed something with the occlusion intervals in UE4, the occlusion ray still casts even though the sound is off. We were wondering why you did this? Is it because if you turn on occlusion after the sound has started will it hiccup? When there starts to be a lot of sounds in a level these occlusions start adding up. It starts dropping the frame rate by several milliseconds. 



We were just wondering if there is a way to have the occlusion fire if only the sound is on? Or at least stagger it so there won't be  a chance that all of them fire at once? Or am I doing something wrong?


p.s. we were wondering why when you stop a game in editor the game does "stop all API called" It seems to do it for every single sound. Shouldn't it only fire once since it says "stop ALL"?. Or at least tell us which sounds its stopping? 

asked Feb 3, 2016 in General Discussion by Robert M. (4,640 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
There is ongoing work in the integration to better know if an object is playing sound, and we will be able to use that to better optimize occlusion calculations. Stay tuned! :)

As for the Stop All API log message, the stop all call is actually done for each AkComponent in your map, so this is why you see so many logs.
answered Feb 8, 2016 by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16,020 points)