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version Wwise v2015.1.4 build 5497 for UE4.

This is probably a very embarrassing question, but after installing the SDK and required to copy directories according to, there is no mention of where we can pick up Audiokinetic.Build.cs and put it at the root of its ThirdParty directory.  (AKA, UE4\Engine\Source\ThirdParty\Audiokinetic\Audiokinetic.Build.cs.) and I can't find it in the Wwise v2015.1.4 build 5497 directory. Generating a new UE4 solution file doesn't make it magically appear, either.

Any hint ?

closed with the note: Got the integration source from Audiokinetic's GitHub account.
in General Discussion by Marc S. (120 points)
closed by Marc S.
Hmm I've never had to find such a file. I think it is created when you rebuild your engine. Because as long as you copied over all four files you should be good. Is your engine failing to build?
I'm conflicted at this point.  The documentation doesn't mention any use of a specialized build of UE4 - I get my Unreal from Epic's GitHub account directly and always had successful builds.  So, from what I understood from the docs: Get Unreal, Get Wwise, mix and bake :-).  However, we got word today that we needed to use a version of UE4 hosted by Audiokinetic on GitHub, which BTW, has the missing file.  Re-reading the docs, I can't see how we were supposed to infer such information. So now, I have my file, I'll go own with the compiling and start another thread if some other issue comes along.

Thanks for the reply, Robert.