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0 votes
When I am trying to build my project I get an error. Looks like the error fails to produce UE4Editor-AkAudio.dll and it says it is missing. How do I fix this?
in General Discussion by Ryan H. (170 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
Best answer
I got a similar error because I was using the binaries for Visual Studio 2013. Those folders are:

x32vc_120 and x64_vc120


I then realized that the newest UE4 was highly suggested to be being built in VS 2015 and Wwise needs the right binaries to call from when building the engine. If you're using the newest UE4 I suggest using VS 2015. Then from your audiokinetic folder you need the files ending in _vc140. If you don't have those you just need to reinstall the latest version of Wwise, make sure you check the binaries for VS 2015 when installing. Hope that helps!


by Robert M. (4.6k points)
selected by Ryan H.
You are a freaking genius!!! I swapped from 120 to 140 (which seems like an obvious choice now). Then I clicked build....took 30 sec then successful. Thanks man.
Glad that I can help! It took me a few hours of looking over the integration myself. The only thing that tipped me off was they changed x32vc120 to x32vc_*** in the integration manual. I then tried all the different numbers until I got the right one.
Hello, I have just encountered this problem: UE4Editor-AkAudio.dll Missing, but I did not figure out how to solve this problem, the ability to carefully explain the procedure to solve this problem? thank you very much
0 votes
Hello, I have just encountered this problem: UE4Editor-AkAudio.dll Missing, but I did not figure out how to solve this problem, the ability to carefully explain the procedure to solve this problem? thank you very much
by deren x. (140 points)
Hi Deren,

If you haven't figured it out, this is what we were overall talking about.

This is how to install/build the UE4 integration of Wwise. The difference is IF you are using the newest UE4 and the newest Wwise you need Visual Studio 2015. In the tutorial I say to use the files ending in vc120, instead use the files ending in vc140. '

If you don't have them reinstall Wwise and choose the "SDK, Windows Visual Studio 2015". Hopefully that is explained enough!