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+4 votes

Since last version (2015.1.4) the AkGameObj.cs script is looking for a Collider component in order to cache the gameobjectbounds (line 58).

A MissingComponentException is throwed in case it does not have one and the gameobject registering is aborted.

Does the AkGameObj script absolutely requires a Collider component to work ?

Thank you.
in General Discussion by Anthony D. (260 points)
Good question, I've just updated and having the same issue. Massive hassle to add a collider to every Game object if it's necessary... Did you resolve another way?
I just commented it out for the moment... and kept GetComponent<Collider>().bounds instead of GameObjColliderBounds on line 269.
Thanks Anthony, thankfully it looks like there's a fix coming, good to know I wasn't just going mad and doing something wrong!

1 Answer

+2 votes
This will be fixed in the next version of the integration. Thanks for the report!
by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16.0k points)