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Optimisation. AkSoundEngine post event uses either string or uint. Is using uint faster?

0 votes
AkSoundEngine post event uses either string or uint. Is posting via uint faster? I would assume this is true and plan to structure the my interfacing with wwise this way.

Also, AkSoundEngine only has the function to convert a event string to an event id , but not vice versa. Is there a workaround for this?
asked Oct 29, 2015 in General Discussion by Victor C. (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
For conversion from string to uint, Wwise is using a quick hash function (FNVhash:  There is little overhead of using the string version instead of the uint version because the string version hashes the string, and call the uint version.  But the convenience of the string version is considerable.  The hash function is optimal.  There is no way to recover the string from the uint,
answered Oct 31, 2015 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,450 points)