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+1 vote

I can't get the integration to work between UE4 (4.9) and Wwise (2015.1.2) on a Mac (OSX  10.9.5)

I can build the UE4 engine from the github repository files no problem but when I try to use the Wwise UE4 Integration package and follow the instructions it always fails by the time I lunch the xcode project and start building. I always get this error from the "UnrealTypeTraits.h" file (marked in red):


In file included from /Users/Shared/UnrealEngine-4.9/Engine/Source/Developer/AudiokineticTools/Private/AudiokineticToolsPrivatePCH.h:8:

In file included from Editor/UnrealEd/Public/UnrealEd.h:12:

In file included from Runtime/Slate/Public/SlateBasics.h:5:

In file included from Runtime/Core/Public/Core.h:16:

In file included from Runtime/Core/Public/HAL/PlatformIncludes.h:43:

In file included from Runtime/Core/Public/Mac/MacPlatformIncludes.h:16:

In file included from Runtime/Core/Public/Apple/ApplePlatformString.h:9:

In file included from Runtime/Core/Public/GenericPlatform/StandardPlatformString.h:4:

In file included from Runtime/Core/Public/GenericPlatform/GenericPlatformStricmp.h:8:

Runtime/Core/Public/Templates/UnrealTypeTraits.h:204:17: error: incomplete type 'FInterpEdSelKey' used in type trait expression

        enum { Value = IS_POD(T) || IS_ENUM(T) || TIsArithmeticType<T>::Value || TIsPointerType<T>::Value }; 


What is happening here? 

in General Discussion by RobR (180 points)

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