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How do I save a copy of the entire project?

0 votes
I am doing an independent study at my college and using Wwise for my project. I need to save a copy of my entire Wwise project to an external hard drive I can give to my professor. I work on a PC at home so it's not possible to hand in my computer. How do I save a working copy of the project? Thanks for any help!
asked Sep 19, 2015 in General Discussion by Jaimie H. (100 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
You can just copy the Wwise Project Folder from disk.
answered Sep 23, 2015 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,770 points)
0 votes
To save a copy of the entire project, follow these steps. First, ensure all files and documents related to the project are organized in a single folder. Next, create a backup by making a copy of the folder and storing it in a secure location, such as an external hard drive or cloud storage. This ensures that even if something happens to the original project files, you have a protected copy that can be easily retrieved when needed. Remember to update the backup periodically to include any new changes or additions to the project.
answered Jun 24, 2023 by Alan L. (140 points)