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Hi, we have several banks in our game, and when we hit play on the editor on the PC on Unity, we can hear all of the events posted and all the banks are loaded properly and such(we make sure load bank gets called and returns success). However, when we move the build to an iOS device, all the banks get loaded correctly, and all of the events are firing off normally(we can hear the sounds). Except one bank, one bank is loaded correctly, just like the rest, but when we try to post any of its events, we get this kind of error:
AK Error: Event ID not found: 1351346822
AK Error: Failed posting event: OBS_Croc_HIT

The banks are all in the same folder location, the names of the events trying to be posted are perfect, and we have freshly exported that bank and in the same way we exported all the other working banks. My question is, what could be happening with this bank? Is it the way I'm loading it(AKBankManager.LoadBank(strBankName);)? I don't single out banks, so all of them are treated equally.

We are using Unity, and the wwise unity integration 2014.1.4 for iOS.

Thanks ahead of time.
in General Discussion by Miguel D. (100 points)

1 Answer

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Hello, we are having the same issue. Did you find a solution? Thanks!
by Alex M. (140 points)