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I'm currently attempting to upgrade an existing Unity integration of 2014.1.6 to 2015.1.1 (have tried 2015.1 as well with the same results). 

WWise crashes during startup in the JNI with ...

08-20 18:43:08.124: E/dalvikvm(23375): JNI ERROR (app bug): attempt to use stale local reference 0x2a200009
08-20 18:43:08.124: E/dalvikvm(23375): VM aborting
08-20 18:43:08.124: A/libc(23375): Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadd00d (code=1), thread 23391 (UnityMain)

I'll paste the full callstack at the end - but this is caused by WWise as we're in ... 

08-20 18:43:08.624: I/DEBUG(124):     #04  pc 00032f80  /data/app-lib/com.***.***-2/ (_JNIEnv::CallObjectMethod(_jobject*, _jmethodID*, ...)+36)

I'm getting the same crash on both Arm and x86 devices - the main reason I'm performing the upgrade is because I need the x86 .so binaries. I've enabled CheckJNI through adb, but got no further details, I've also pushed the plugin profile level to "debug" - any insights here would be gratefully appreciated.

Note: I have tried both an in place upgrade and a clean install to a fresh project and moved the WWise folders over and fixed up the code - both resulted in the same crash. The game has been running fine with 2014.1.6 for 6 months and the audio works.


Unity Pro 5.0.2 Mac (plus I have also tried Unity 5.1.2 with no difference), WWise 2015.1.1 (tried 2015.1 with no difference), 

This crash is from a Nexus 7 - but the crash on a HUDL 2 is similar.

WWise related logs leading up to the crash ...

08-20 18:42:47.214: I/Unity(23375): WwiseUnity: Initialize sound engine ...

08-20 18:42:47.254: W/libOpenSLES(23375): Leaving Object::GetInterface (SL_RESULT_FEATURE_UNSUPPORTED)

08-20 18:42:47.264: I/Unity(23375): WwiseUnity: Setting base SoundBank path to Audio/GeneratedSoundBanks/Android/

The stack trace at the crash: 

08-20 18:43:08.624: I/DEBUG(124): backtrace:

08-20 18:43:08.624: I/DEBUG(124):     #00  pc 00045c90  /system/lib/ (dvmAbort+75)

08-20 18:43:08.624: I/DEBUG(124):     #01  pc 000285ec  /system/lib/ (IndirectRefTable::get(void*) const+336)

08-20 18:43:08.624: I/DEBUG(124):     #02  pc 0004a1f3  /system/lib/ (dvmDecodeIndirectRef(Thread*, _jobject*)+30)

08-20 18:43:08.624: I/DEBUG(124):     #03  pc 0004cb95  /system/lib/

08-20 18:43:08.624: I/DEBUG(124):     #04  pc 00032f80  /data/app-lib/com.***.***-2/ (_JNIEnv::CallObjectMethod(_jobject*, _jmethodID*, ...)+36)

08-20 18:43:08.624: I/DEBUG(124):     #05  pc 00207e9c  /data/app-lib/com.***.***-2/ (CAkLEngine::CheckUserMusic()+404)


Note: I have redacted the product name from the logs as this is an unannounced commercial product.

in General Discussion by David H. (100 points)

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