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So, im sure other have had this issue, and typically I can solve it, but for some reason I cant. Upon loading into the project. (Unity 5) I get this error among many others indicating DLL's for the AK Sound Engine and so forth.
For example:
DllNotFoundException: AkSoundEngine
AkMemSettings..ctor ()
AkInitializer.Awake () (at Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Components/AkInitializer.cs:89)

There are probably a dozen other similar ones. The problem I have though is it's a local problem not affecting the other member of the team. Upon recloning the project from scratch I still get this error. I also try to re-integrate Wwise with the project but it never seems to fully go through. (I never get the pop up dialogue box to select me sound bank files or the project path.) As a result, upon trying to re0integrate I get a fatal error in Unity upon trying to drop in saying all my scripts need to be compiled. Preventing me from dropping into the game.

TLDR: DLL's missing or something, cant re-integrate because it causes fatal crash.
in General Discussion by Steve G. (120 points)

1 Answer

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Have you looked in 


Or similar folders to see if the AkSoundEngine.dlls are actually there? I had a problem with Version Control (BitBucket and Sourcetree), where it didn't push the DLLs, so they were missing in there. And that gave a similar error as yours. 

by Egil S. (1.1k points)
THis is very delayed but yeah the Dll's are in there, however my Windows folder is called "Windows_new" we also just learned that my folder is roughly 90 megs whereas my programmer's identical folder is roughly 150 megs.