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So, I'm building a game, custom engine based on c++ 11, Directx 11, Physx, Cal3D and some other irrelevant stuff. I want to use Wwise for the sound, I downloaded the SDK, put It on my project, follow the Help and I'm stuck at the very beggining. That's the code I have

#include <AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkMemoryMgr.h>
bool CWwiseManager::initSoundEngine()
    memSettings.uMaxNumPools = 20;
   if (AK::MemoryMgr::Init(&memSettings) != AKRESULT::AK_Success)
        assert(!"Could not create the memory manager.");
        return false;

    return true;

That's the error

Error    12    error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "enum AKRESULT __cdecl AK::MemoryMgr::Init(struct AkMemSettings *)" (?Init@MemoryMgr@AK@@YA?AW4AKRESULT@@PEAUAkMemSettings@@@Z) referenced in function "public: bool __cdecl CWwiseManager::initSoundEngine(void)" (?initSoundEngine@CWwiseManager@@QEAA_NXZ)


Thing is I can't find any solution. I tried to compile the SDK but It says Unsupported platform (Windows x64). I can't find any clue that tells me what I'm doing wrong, apart for the Help file, wich I don't know If it's updated or not.

Also the defined hooks in the help file doesn't work, so I did a workaround. I don't know If it is the best way, so, If your eyes bleed with that code, feel free to give advice

#include "AK/SoundEngine/Common/AkMemoryMgr.h"

/* Every project that links with the Wwise sound engine must define     */
/* several hooks. These can then be used to monitor calls to memory     */
/* access methods.                                                      */
namespace AK
#ifdef WIN32
    void* AKSOUNDENGINE_CALL AllocHook(size_t in_size)
        return malloc(in_size);

    void AKSOUNDENGINE_CALL FreeHook(void * in_ptr)

    // Note: VirtualAllocHook() may be used by I/O pools of the default implementation
    // of the Stream Manager, to allow "true" unbuffered I/O (using FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING
    // - refer to the Windows SDK documentation for more details). This is NOT mandatory;
    // you may implement it with a simple malloc().
        void * in_pMemAddress,
        size_t in_size,
        DWORD in_dwAllocationType,
        DWORD in_dwProtect
        return VirtualAlloc(in_pMemAddress, in_size, in_dwAllocationType, in_dwProtect);

        void * in_pMemAddress,
        size_t in_size,
        DWORD in_dwFreeType
        VirtualFree(in_pMemAddress, in_size, in_dwFreeType);

BTW, I'm using Visual 2013 and last stable Wwise Version.

Thanks a lot readers. People who answer anything will be rewarded with a cookie.



Aparently the web instaler did a bad install of the SDK, so I was missing .libs (no need to compile the SDK anymore). I included all those "new" libs in my proyect and the definition of memory hooks works just like the help shows, but ONLY IN DEBUG. Yep, If I use it on Release:

error C2373: 'AK::AllocHook' : redefinition; different type modifiers

error C2373: 'AK::FreeHook' : redefinition; different type modifiers

error C2373: 'AK::VirtualAllocHook' : redefinition; different type modifiers

error C2373: 'AK::VirtualFreeHook' : redefinition; different type modifiers

Now I have this problem plus the exactly same problem that is posted here (also I commented there to know if there is a fix)



I can make It compile on Release by changing the definitions this way, but Debug is still not working because problems with the Serializer class.

namespace AK
#ifdef WIN32
    void * AKSOUNDENGINE_CALL AllocHook(size_t in_size)
        return malloc(in_size);
    void AKSOUNDENGINE_CALL FreeHook(void * in_ptr)
    // Note: VirtualAllocHook() may be used by I/O pools of the default implementation
    // of the Stream Manager, to allow "true" unbuffered I/O (using FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING
    // - refer to the Windows SDK documentation for more details). This is NOT mandatory;
    // you may implement it with a simple malloc().
        void * in_pMemAddress,
        size_t in_size,
        DWORD in_dwAllocationType,
        DWORD in_dwProtect
        return VirtualAlloc(in_pMemAddress, in_size, in_dwAllocationType, in_dwProtect);
        void * in_pMemAddress,
        size_t in_size,
        DWORD in_dwFreeType
        VirtualFree(in_pMemAddress, in_size, in_dwFreeType);
in General Discussion by M.Bruno R. (300 points)
edited by M.Bruno R.

1 Answer

0 votes
I solved the problems until this point in the tutorial within the help file.

First, I was missing a .lib called CommunicationCentral.lib on DEBUG.
Second, It only seems to work If I devine the hooks this way

// Custom alloc/free functions. These are declared as "extern" in AkMemoryMgr.h
// and MUST be defined by the game developer.
namespace AK
#ifdef WIN32
    #ifdef DEBUG
        void * AllocHook(size_t in_size)
            return malloc(in_size);
        void FreeHook(void * in_ptr)
        // Note: VirtualAllocHook() may be used by I/O pools of the default implementation
        // of the Stream Manager, to allow "true" unbuffered I/O (using FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING
        // - refer to the Windows SDK documentation for more details). This is NOT mandatory;
        // you may implement it with a simple malloc().
        void* VirtualAllocHook(
            void * in_pMemAddress,
            size_t in_size,
            DWORD in_dwAllocationType,
            DWORD in_dwProtect
            return VirtualAlloc(in_pMemAddress, in_size, in_dwAllocationType, in_dwProtect);
        void VirtualFreeHook(
            void * in_pMemAddress,
            size_t in_size,
            DWORD in_dwFreeType
            VirtualFree(in_pMemAddress, in_size, in_dwFreeType);

        void * AKSOUNDENGINE_CALL AllocHook(size_t in_size)
            return malloc(in_size);
        void AKSOUNDENGINE_CALL FreeHook(void * in_ptr)
        // Note: VirtualAllocHook() may be used by I/O pools of the default implementation
        // of the Stream Manager, to allow "true" unbuffered I/O (using FILE_FLAG_NO_BUFFERING
        // - refer to the Windows SDK documentation for more details). This is NOT mandatory;
        // you may implement it with a simple malloc().
            void * in_pMemAddress,
            size_t in_size,
            DWORD in_dwAllocationType,
            DWORD in_dwProtect
            return VirtualAlloc(in_pMemAddress, in_size, in_dwAllocationType, in_dwProtect);
            void * in_pMemAddress,
            size_t in_size,
            DWORD in_dwFreeType
            VirtualFree(in_pMemAddress, in_size, in_dwFreeType);
by M.Bruno R. (300 points)