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I am looking for a way to automatically generate the sound banks on our build machines whenever an audio file is checked-in. I managed to get the command line from UE4's log (wwisecli.exe ......), but it is always missing a TempDefinitionFile.txt file that seems to be generated directly from the click on the "generate soundbanks" button in the editor's build menu. I'm thinking that one way to fix this would be to write a commandlet and then call UE4 on the command line, but surely I'm missing something?

Thanks for your help!

in General Discussion by Philippe L. (110 points)

1 Answer

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You're right, you need a definition file for the SoundBank generation to work. The definition file is a tab seperated file saying which event is in which SoundBank.

You can take a look at the SGenerateSoundBanks::OnGenerateButtonClicked method. It builds a TSet of Bank to Events, and then dumps that in a text file in the WwiseBnkGenHelper::DumpBankContentFile function. You could replicate this in a commandlet, and the use the same command line.
by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16.0k points)