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How to Query properties on event / sound objects

0 votes
I have been integrating wwise into our game engine. I would like to determine a few properties about the events that our audio designer has made.

- is the event (or any sounds it contains) looping? i.e. I would like to know ahead of time if the event will end on its own or will it loop forever. For example if it is looping then I would like to know so that I can automatically stop it under certain circumstances (triggering animation has ended...)

The following two queries would also be useful for organization when viewing from within our own viewer/editor app. (otherwise we only get a single long list of event names)

- what category (bus) is the event? i.e. SFX, VO, Music?

- what organizational group is this event in? i.e. 'virtual folder' or 'work unit'?

asked May 12, 2015 in General Discussion by Kevin S. (110 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Hello Kevin,

Under the Soundbanks tab of the project settings (shift-k) in Wwise, you should enable the "estimated duration" box within the Metadata options. A durationType will be added in the SoundBanksInfo.xml file generated with your soundbanks. Parsing this file is the best way to know whether an event will have an infinite duration or not.

If you are using Sound Frame within your editor, you can call AK::SoundFrame::ISoundFrame::GetWwiseObjectPath() to know the organizational path of each object within your Event.

Hope this helps,

answered May 25, 2015 by Adrien L. (Audiokinetic) (1,080 points)