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Using UE4_Integration-201502_Wwise_v2014.1.3_521, I'm able to successfully build and use soundbanks via Build|Generate SoundBanks in the UE4 editor for non-localized SFX.  However, when attempting to do this for a soundvoice with content for both English(US) and Arabic, the UE4 bank generation fails to build anything for Content\WwiseAudio\Windows\Arabic.  I notice the UE4 integration bank generation dialog only shows available banks and platforms while the soundbank manager in the Wwise editor shows soundbanks, platforms, and languages.  Things work ok if I manually build the soundbank in Wwise and place it in Content\WwiseAudio\Windows\Arabic with a respective call to AK::StreamMgr::SetCurrentLanguage( AKTEXT("Arabic") ); -- is language support for soundbank generation simply not part of the default UE4 integration, or am I missing something?
in General Discussion by Sserpenthraxus_nv (130 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

You're right, localization support is not part of the current integration, but it is part of our roadmap. I can't give a time estimate for when it will be done, though.

In the meantime, if you want to be able to generate your banks for the Arabic language from UE4, you can change one file in the integration. In AkAudioBankGenerationHelpers.cpp, in function WwiseBnkGenHelper::GenerateSoundBanks, there is the following code:

        // Here you can specify languages, if no language is specified, all languages from the Wwise project.
        // will be built.
        CommandLineParams += TEXT(" -Language English(US)");

You can comment the line, and all languages available in your project should be generated.


by Benoit S. (Audiokinetic) (16.0k points)
Thanks for the quick response and workaround!