I recently updated Wwise to 2024.1.1 and Unity to 2022.3.55 and I get an error in the console saying :
WwiseUnity: Cannot find ProjectInfo.json at /Users/ “temporaryName”/Documents/git/"project"/"project"/Assets/StreamingAssets/Audio/GeneratedSoundBanks. Ensure that the SoundBanks Path in the Integration Settings matches the Root Output Path in the Wwise Project Settings on the SoundBanks tab, then regenerate the SoundBanks.
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
Wwise.API.Editor.SoundBankDirectoryWatcher.Common.AkSoundBankDirectoryWatcher/<InitProjectDB>d__17:MoveNext () (at Assets/Wwise/API/Editor/AkSoundBankDirectoryWatcher.cs:111)
(“temporaryName” and "project" are a placeholder names)
I have 2 problems:
1. If I match the correct paths in the Root Output Path and Unity, Unity crashes. The file is where it's supposed to be.
2. If I set a temporary Root Path, it doesn't crash, but I get an error ...
I don't understand why, or how to fix this error?