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For a big game project of ours, I'm trying to move our sound over to Wwise as an expirement. We had our own system where we had a big XML file with all our sound information. The problem is that I can't find much information about the wwu files, besides the schemas. This is great to know the structure, but it doesn't really tell me how specific values are generated.

A lot of ID's have the GUID type and I understand it's some kind of HASH, but I'm not sure how it is generated. An example would be:

<Event Name="ABT_general_map_infection_spread_lp" ID="{BBAEA87F-67A6-438A-8AEE-AD7FA6904E91}">
                      <Action Name="Play" ID="{E1C49A0B-74B2-4346-8251-5B65D5BC44AA}" ShortID="723191257" Type="Play" Scope="One" Global="false">
                                            <Element ID="{CACDAB87-D39B-429C-BB3A-09E08AD38C59}" Global="false">
                                                       <ObjectRef Name="ABT_general_map_infection_spread_lp" ID="{EE4BC05D-5F3C-4131-8F43-58CF9B23318C}" WorkUnitID="{E9573D98-B492-446D-8544-6053619FA3F8}"/>

I marked in red, all the GUID types. For example for the Event node, I can imagine that that ID is generated based on hasing the event name and some other properties. However It's quite hard to guess, without having any context. How come it's so hard to find information on the specification of these files? We could port ALL our sounds manually, but that seems quite a labor intensive thing to do.

It seems that you answered the ShortID already as you told it were FNV hashes. Which makes sense, seeing the format. The red ones however, are really unclear to me. 

in General Discussion by Glen D. (100 points)

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