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+2 votes

I am trying to clean up our project folder and I tried moving the Wwise integration folder into another one called "ThirdPartyExtensions". After I did this, it detected the scripts but kept giiving an error regarding not finding files, this was fixed by putting it back into the Assets folder.

My queston is, can I move the wwise folder to a different one? and If I can, how do I do it??



in General Discussion by Jose M. (230 points)

This request doesn't seems to have been answered, two years later we are facing the same issue.

Wwise plugin should be able to be moved from a folder to another, we did the change, it only requires kind of 10 lines of code to be fully moveable.

The other issue is related to the Wwise Launcher Project updater. As we moved the Wwise folder to another subfolder, the script is unable to find Wwise integration in the project and only propose a new integration.

Being able to organize the third parties scripts is kind of important for dev teams, I hope you can consider fixing this soon.


Sébastien C.

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