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+1 vote
WAAPI core.object.create should have an AddFirst() option for applicable objects.

Most objects created in Wwise do not seem to rely on any specific order (MusicSegments within a MusicPlaylistContainer, States within a StateGroup, etc).

However, certain items, such as MusicPlaylistItems, do rely on specific ordering and sequencing. In the authoring tool, this is achieved by dragging and dropping MusicPlaylistItems to re-order them to the user's liking. This is limited with WAAPI.

WAAPI recently introduced the ability to add/remove MusicPlaylistItems, a huge leap forward in automation capabilities. However, new MusicPlaylistItems can only be added at the end of the list. To my knowledge there is no way to add items to the top of the list, or at specific indexes within the list. We rely heavily on templatized MusicPlaylistContainer structures, where MusicPlaylistItems of the "Group" type are populated before users add MusicPlaylistItems of the "Segment" type using automation.

In the past, we've achieved inserting new MusicPlaylisItems where we want by modifying the WorkUnit XML programmatically. We'd like to use WAAPI where possible, but still find it limiting due to not having the flexibility of lists.

Wwise 2023.1
in Feature Requests by Cameron Konner (210 points)

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