I am using the new Unity 6000 and the latest version Wwise 2023.1.7
I am able to play sounds in the Editor and when I build the app for iOS.
When I build for Android (using Android Studio and latest version of Android 14) I get an error that the banks cannot be found.
I was hoping that the build process will put the banks in the correct folder so Android can find them easily. Am I missing something? In the Unity Settings I have the paths all pointing to /Audio.
Is this a known bug related to how Android manages storage in recent versions?
Here are the errors from Logcat
AK Error:
Bank Load Failed Name: 1355168291
AK Error: File Init.bnk not found in path(s): /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.Company.App/files/DecodedBanks/English(US)/Init.bnk; /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.Company.App
WwiseUnity: Failed load Init.bnk with result: AK_FileNotFound
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, LogOption, String, Object)
The banks are in /assets/Audio. I also tried putting them in /assets/Audio/Android but that had no effect either.
I would appreciate any help.