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Wwise 2022.1.15 not stable (Wwise - Unreal Integration)

Hello. I found a critical issue with this version.

The UE editor crashes when an AkAcousticPortalComponent overlaps an AkRoomComponent when editing a Blueprint with these components.
It does not happen with their Volume actor versions (Ak Acoustic Portal and Ak Spatial Audio Volume), only inside the Blueprint.
It also crashes when you place these blueprint actors in the World; so it might be a construction issue.
The SDK (Wwise C++ Engine) doesn't seem to be a problem, its the UE plugin module that serves as a wrapper: ../Plugins/Wwise/Source

I recommend avoiding this version. The 2022.1.14 version is pretty stable so I recommend using that if you are looking to upgrade.

I tested UE 4.27.2 and 5.4.

If anyone can help to report this with Audiokinetic, it would be awesome.

in General Discussion by Horacio Valdivieso (100 points)

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