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I've been trying to work with a 16 channel setup but WWise doesn't seem to cooperate and I have found very little information that worked.

Here's a quick rundown:

I've got Dante set up to use the 16 speakers

In Reaper, all 16 speakers work properly with 16 channel audio files.

But in WWise, whatever audio device I use (ASIO or System), it never works properly. When having it set up as the default number of channels, it only shows and outputs 2 channels on the mix. If I manually choose 5.1 for example, then it shows the 5 channels on the mix. Additionally, ASIO doesn't seem to output any sound at all despite it showing on the meter, but using the System device, it outputs sound but only through channel 1.

All the audio files are 16 channel.

This has been stumping me for quite some time and I need to know how to make it work properly.


Thank you in advance.
in General Discussion by Miguel Palma (100 points)

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