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I noticed that Wwise 2023.4 IO on causes Unreal engine 5.2 to spam errors about alignment issues.

LogTemp: FMicrosoftReadRequest request was not aligned. This is expected with loose files, but not a pak file.

A example callstack when the warning occurs:

>    Game.exe!FMicrosoftReadRequest::FMicrosoftReadRequest(FMicrosoftAsyncReadFileHandle * InOwner, TFunction<void __cdecl(bool,IAsyncReadRequest *)> * CompleteCallback, unsigned char * InUserSuppliedMemory, __int64 InOffset, __int64 InBytesToRead, __int64 InFileSize, void * InHandle, EAsyncIOPriorityAndFlags InPriorityAndFlags) Line 107    C++
     Game.exe!FMicrosoftAsyncReadFileHandle::ReadRequest(__int64 Offset, __int64 BytesToRead, EAsyncIOPriorityAndFlags PriorityAndFlags, TFunction<void __cdecl(bool,IAsyncReadRequest *)> * CompleteCallback, unsigned char * UserSuppliedMemory) Line 454    C++
     Game.exe!FWwiseFileCacheHandle::ReadData(unsigned char * OutBuffer, __int64 Offset, __int64 BytesToRead, EAsyncIOPriorityAndFlags Priority, TUniqueFunction<void __cdecl(bool)> && OnDone) Line 303    C++
     [Inline Frame] Game.exe!FWwiseFileCacheHandle::ReadAkData(unsigned char * BytesToRead, __int64 AkPriority, __int64) Line 341    C++
     Game.exe!FWwiseFileCacheHandle::ReadAkData(const AkIoHeuristics & Heuristics, AkAsyncIOTransferInfo & TransferInfo, TUniqueFunction<void __cdecl(AkAsyncIOTransferInfo *,enum AKRESULT)> && Callback) Line 347    C++
     Game.exe!FWwiseStreamedMediaFileState::ProcessRead(AkFileDesc & InFileDesc, const AkIoHeuristics & InHeuristics, AkAsyncIOTransferInfo & OutTransferInfo, TUniqueFunction<void __cdecl(AkAsyncIOTransferInfo *,enum AKRESULT)> && InFileOpDoneCallback) Line 379    C++
     Game.exe!FWwiseIOHookImpl::Read(AkFileDesc & in_fileDesc, const AkIoHeuristics & in_heuristics, AkAsyncIOTransferInfo & io_transferInfo) Line 192    C++
     [Inline Frame] Game.exe!FWwiseIOHookImpl::BatchRead::__l2::<lambda>() Line 238    C++
     [Inline Frame] Game.exe!Invoke(FWwiseIOHookImpl::BatchRead::__l2::void <lambda>(void) &) Line 47    C++
     Game.exe!UE::Core::Private::Function::TFunctionRefCaller<`FWwiseIOHookImpl::BatchRead'::`2'::void <lambda>(void),void __cdecl(void)>::Call(void * Obj) Line 474    C++
     [Inline Frame] Game.exe!UE::Core::Private::Function::TFunctionRefBase<UE::Core::Private::Function::TFunctionStorage<1>,void __cdecl(void)>::operator()() Line 600    C++
     Game.exe!FWwiseExecutionQueue::ProcessWork() Line 316    C++
     [Inline Frame] Game.exe!FWwiseExecutionQueue::Work() Line 243    C++
     [Inline Frame] Game.exe!FWwiseExecutionQueue::StartWorkerIfNeeded::__l32::<lambda>() Line 224    C++
     [Inline Frame] Game.exe!Invoke(FWwiseExecutionQueue::StartWorkerIfNeeded::__l32::void <lambda>(void) &) Line 47    C++

It's on a Microsoft platform with IoStore enabled on a Test Package.
Are there any known issue with Wwise 2023.x and read alignment?


in General Discussion by Eric M. (110 points)

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