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Can't save due to "unknown error" affecting Actor-Mixer and Event Default Work Units

0 votes
Hi everyone, I'm working on replacing the SFX found in Lessons 1-7 (the "Cube" lessons) with my own. I saved a copy of the folder and am working within that copy, but whenever I try to save I run into these error messages:

- C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Cube (my own SFX)Wwise-101_v2021.1\Lesson &\WwiseProject Lesson 7\Actor-Mixer Hierarchy\Default Work Unit.wwu: Unknown error.

- C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Cube (my own SFX)Wwise-101_v2021.1\Lesson &\WwiseProject Lesson 7\Events\Default Work Unit.wwu: Unknown error.

Has anyone else seen this? Should I just make all of my changes within the original folder? I suspect it's the name change of the copy which is causing the error. Thank you in advance!
asked Aug 4 in General Discussion by Colman X. (100 points)

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