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I want wwise to keep playing music/sfx (but remain muted) even if the game is alt-tabbed. (unity)

0 votes

I'm using unity. I want wwise to keep playing music/sfx (but remain muted) even if the game is alt-tabbed. Currenty wwise pauses music and all sfx. The game is specifially setup so it keeps running when you are alt tabed, so when you alt tab back in, the music/sfx unpause and no longer match to what is happening in the game.

In unity I use "Project settings->Player->Run in Background" setting to make the game run when the game is alt-tabbed.

Unity version - 2022.3.24f1

Wwise version: 2022.1.0

Thank you for help!
asked Aug 3 in General Discussion by Konrad J. (100 points)

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