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Is there any way to do grain generation or random audio sample playback within Enrage? I think there are two generator modules that would really open up a ton of possibilities, a Random Sample Playback Container with pitch/ volume randomization ranges, and a Grain Generator. Both of these generator modules would expand Enrage and bring fundamental effects we are used to having only in middleware right to Reaper. Some use cases: 

Random Sample Playback Container:

  • Adding random gun tails procedurally to weapon sounds within a DAW
  • The ability to randomly play footstep sounds in a linear cutscene design, using input audio clicks as triggers, with the freedom to then update the sounds later. 
  • Quickly import and randomize multi-layered effects like player abilities and insert them when designing audio to animation. (if you do the same thing with audio files alone and then change the design of a player ability later, you have to update all of the designs. If you were just using an enrage preset you could just re-load the project files and export again.)

Grain Generator:

  • Wacky procedural sci-fi designs (
  • Random debris tails for explosions 
  • Create happy accidents in looping audio for transient generation (Boom Cinematic Motion style designs)
  • Scraping and other physics-driven audio generation. 

Thanks so much for your consideration, I'm finding lots of ways that Enrage is helping me to speed up my workflow and help me reduce the repetitiveness of design work! I hope to help make it better as much as I can. 

- Marshall

in Library conceptual / design by Marshall M. (100 points)

1 Answer

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Hey Marshall!
Super glad you enjoy Enrage!
There are currently not really sample features within Enrage. You can misuse the IR reverb as some kind of sample player, but that comes with a relatively high CPU cost. With modulated Grain Delay you can come close to you example, but that again is not the most straight forward way.
We are running into some limitation within how we set up Enrage under the hood and are working on Enrage 2.0. This will included much more sample possibilities and other wicked stuff, but we are rewriting everything from scratch, most importantly the whole architecture / infrastructure (so that we also can support Ambisonic and Surround natively). This is a major undertaking and will unfortunately still take some time - so not helpful right now.
by Axel R. (140 points)