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I cannot download the course files for the 301 Certification

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I cannot download the course files for the 301 Certification (Unity Integration). Does anyone here that have taken the certification knows how I can download these files? Thank you!
asked Jul 11 in General Discussion by Everton S. (130 points)

1 Answer

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Hello Everton,

There's no Wwise-301 files anymore. Everything you need is the original WAG Wwise project.

How did you get to needing those files? Did you engage the course before we recently updated it, or did we miss a reference in the course somewhere?


answered Jul 12 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,780 points)
If that is the case, maybe update the instructions on this page:

The statement "make sure you have Wwise, Visual Studio or MonoDevelop, and Unity installed, along with the course material, namely the Wwise_301 Wwise Project and the WwiseAdventureGameSource Unity Project" is misleading to me as well - it made me think that the Wwise_301 project needed to be downloaded separately.

Hello Helen. That's a bug. We'll remove it asap. Since latest update, you only need to download the main WAG Wwise project and use that. Thanks for the report