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no client output from waapi despite output on console

0 votes

Hi I'm trying to automate generating soundbanks using waapi through CI. Using Wwise2023.1.3.8471
I'm starting the server like this:
"$env:WWISEROOT\Authoring\x64\Release\bin\WwiseConsole.exe" -ArgumentList "waapi-server `"C:\path\to\my\WwiseProject.wproj`" --allow-migration"

then using python to call 

client = WaapiClient()
result ="ak.wwise.core.soundbank.generate", {
                "platforms": ["Windows"],  # Specify the platform;
                "rebuildSoundBanks": True, # Force the generation
                "writeToDisk": True   # Save the generated soundbanks

which gives me a result of 
{'logs': []}

the issue is I can see from the server console output that there's a warning I'd like for the client to be able to get these warnings and handle them but as far as I can tell theres no way to do that I've subscribed to the ak.wwise.core.log.itemAdded topic and tried using ak.wwise.core.log.get to get each of the logs they're all empty I'm assuming this is because I'm starting the server using wwiseconsole and this  page seems to suggest that logs will then be empyt. But I can't see any other way to disable this behaviour. Has anyone encountered this issue with waapi before and have a work around? The only thing I can think is to capture the server output and parse that.

asked Jun 13 in General Discussion by Jack Brown (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
This is indeed a documented limitation of the ak.wwise.core.soundbank.generate function. The workaround is indded to capture the WwiseConsole output itself.

We are collecting interest for this feature to help prioritization, I'll categorize this as a feature request so others can upvote to manifest interest for this feature.
answered Jul 17 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,440 points)