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Hi, we're receiving crash stacks with our prod builds with this series of function calls:

0  <unknown>                                                0xffffffdddddddddd
1  split_config.arm64_v8a.apk! +0x2133ec CAkFileHelpers::CloseFile(AkFileDesc&) (AkFileHelpers.h:298:9)
2  split_config.arm64_v8a.apk! +0x2133a4 CAkDefaultIOHookBlocking::Close(AkFileDesc&) (AkDefaultIOHookBlocking.cpp:207:29)
3  split_config.arm64_v8a.apk! +0x21ded4 CAkFilePackageLowLevelIO<CAkDefaultIOHookBlocking, CAkDiskPackage>::Close(AkFileDesc&) (AkFilePackageLowLevelIO.inl:222:35)
4  split_config.arm64_v8a.apk! +0x368de0 AK::StreamMgr::CAkStmTask::~CAkStmTask() (AkDeviceBase.cpp:980:36)
5  split_config.arm64_v8a.apk! +0x3693a4 AK::StreamMgr::CAkStdStmBase::~CAkStdStmBase() (AkDeviceBase.cpp:1102:1)
6  split_config.arm64_v8a.apk! +0x375c24 AK::StreamMgr::CAkStdStmBlocking::~CAkStdStmBlocking() (AkDeviceBlocking.cpp:444)
7  split_config.arm64_v8a.apk! +0x3669c8 void AkDelete<AK::StreamMgr::CAkStmTask>(int, AK::StreamMgr::CAkStmTask*) (AkObject.h:118:16)
8  split_config.arm64_v8a.apk! +0x367360 AK::StreamMgr::CAkDeviceBase::SchedulerFindNextTask(float&) (AkDeviceBase.cpp:449:5)
9  split_config.arm64_v8a.apk! +0x375168 AK::StreamMgr::CAkDeviceBlocking::PerformIO() (AkDeviceBlocking.cpp:170)
10 split_config.arm64_v8a.apk! +0x37defc AK::StreamMgr::CAkIOThread::IOSchedThread(void*) (AkIOThread.cpp:237:18)
11 +0xc37b0                                         __pthread_start(void*)
12 +0x5d080                                         __start_thread

These stacks are all Android stacks, I don't know if a similar issue is happening with iOS.
These crashes can happen both when the app is foregrounded/backgrounded but also when the app has never been in the background.

During debugging in editor, I started noticing these exceptions:

Object.EnsureRunningOnMainThread()at /Users/jeffery.chow/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Rider2022.1/resharper-host/DecompilerCache/decompiler/6a9007df24904c27bc0d5500898fff63172a00/40/8b5dc120/Object.cs:line 73
Object.GetInstanceID()at /Users/jeffery.chow/Library/Application Support/JetBrains/Rider2022.1/resharper-host/DecompilerCache/decompiler/6a9007df24904c27bc0d5500898fff63172a00/40/8b5dc120/Object.cs:line 45

Basically it looks like AkSounEngine.AutoObject.Finalize() is being called on a worker thread but calls a UnityEngine.Object.operator== which is only allowed on the main thread.
Could these be related?

We are on:
Unity 2022.3.10f1
Wwise Info:
    Based on Wwise SDK: 2021.1.13 Build 8036
    Unity Integration Bundle: 2021.1.13.2602
    Unity Integration Version: 19

Might these issues be addressed in 2022.1.13? I looked in the release notes and didn't find any bugs that closely matched our symptoms.

I did find this one:

WG-68844 Fixed: Possible crash when closing Wwise.

but our issue isn't limited to when closing wwise.
in General Discussion by J C. (150 points)

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