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Dear Audiokinetic team,

I have 3 tracks of exactly 12 bars long each, one at tempo 60, one at tempo 90 and one at tempo 120.

I have setup a switch container to jump from one track to another.

So in the transitions I have set up "exit source" to "next beat", "destination" to "at start of playlist / same time as playing segment"

Yet when I exit at bar 3 beat 2 from music 1 at tempo 60 it doesn't jump to music 2 (tempo 90) at bar 3 beat 3 (or 4) it moves to a different bar all together...

Is it normal? I thought Wwise could understand Bar numbers if I give it the tempo and time signature?

Right now when I jump to music 2 it feels like it's jumping to the same timecode as music 1 which is off of course.

I found a guy on youtube who successfully managed to transition from one tempo to another but that implies a RTPC and slowing down the track.
I understand what he did however, I think this is 1) too complicated and CPU consuming 2) it forces the music to go silent for 1s which is not what I want...

Is there a workaround to switch from 2 musics at different tempo without having to use a transition segment in which the tempo is slowing down or accelerating to the tempo of the destination music?

Thanks a lot !

in Feature Requests by Nicolas G. (110 points)

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