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Differences between Xbox and PS5 (DualSense) controller motion/ rumble.

0 votes
Rumble has been setup and tuned using an Xbox Series X controller by routing audio assets to a MotionBus. When switching over to PS5 DualSense, the rumble feedback is extremely weak in comparison.

Even when increasing the output volume of the MotionBus, there is barely a noticeable change in the intensity on the PS5 controller.

We have noticed a difference between using "Wwise_Motion (Haptics)" and "Wwise_Motion (Rumble)" in the "Audio>Authoring Audio Preferences" window, but this is still very weak. We have also noticed that when using a Wwise Motion Asset with "Wwise_Motion (Haptics)", we can set the "Driver Assignment" to DualSense-2Channel and this makes the controller rumble with a lot more intensity .

Is there a way we can use the DualSense-2Channel assignment on audio assets without having to remake all of our assets as Motion assets?

Any help will be appreciated

asked May 30 in General Discussion by Alasdair Marnoch (100 points)

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