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WWise Unable to find listener in Unity scene

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Hello everybody! 


I've been having a very weird WWise/unity issue on this new project I joined onto, and was wondering if anyone has experienced something similar. I'm having Issues with the listener object and 3d audio playback.


For troubleshooting, I created a blank scene in the unity project and two game objects with a Wwise event emitter and a Wwise listener. In Wwise I created a test event with all settings set to default to play in the scene. I’m able to hear the sound in 2d, but when enabling 3d functions I get no sound(no matter what combination of positioning settings I mess with.) When I check the Wwise profiler,its able to see my event GO, but it lists no listeners in the scene- which it should find on “ListenerObject”:




I made the same setup in a new Unity project and fresh Wwise install with versions matched. Here my 3d sounds work correctly, and Wwise lists the listener object and event in the profiler:




So it seems like Wwise is unable to find the listener object in the scene at all- meaning no 3d sound. Any suggestions? Is there somewhere in the Wwise settings/Initialization that could be overwriting the normal listener script?

WWise version: 2021.1.4.7707

asked May 18 in General Discussion by Dietrich D. (100 points)

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