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in General Discussion by Jonathan M. (100 points)

1 Answer

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Hi Jonathan,

To achieve this you would need to create an RTPC (perhaps named Angle), and give it a range of -180 to 180. In the RTPC properties, go to the drop-down list labeled "Bind to built-in parameter" and select "object-to-listener angle".  You can then plot your sound object's volume in relative to this RTPC- presumably with zero being maximum volume. you can adjust the width of the "cone" by adjusting how wide your bell curve is on the RTPC.
by Richard Goulet (5.8k points)
Thanks for posting this. In addition, I found that using Azimuth as the value for "Bind to built in parameter" gave me the effect of the listener or camera having the cone effect, which in my case was exactly what I was looking for.