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Hi - I have two RTPC's that I am changing (DynamicReverb_Reverb_Vol and DynamicReverb_RoomSize) and reverb_vol updates absolutely fine and responds to the game, but I can't change _RoomSize despite the fact I'm using the exact same code for both.

So surely this must be a problem within Wwise, but I can't see any differences between the two game parameters within Wwise so I'm at a loss as to how to fix this?

UAkGameplayStatics::SetRTPCValue(NULL, 1.0f, DeltaTimeNew, this, "DynamicReverb_RoomSize");
UAkGameplayStatics::SetRTPCValue(NULL, 1.0f, DeltaTimeNew, this, "DynamicReverb_Reverb_Vol");

The default for both RTPCs is 0, when triggering the event with this code in Reverb_Vol updates but Room_Size does not- I do not understand why.

in General Discussion by Harvey G. (100 points)

1 Answer

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Hello Harvey,

Did you by any change set any of these RTPCs to a built-in mode? If so, you won't be able to set the RTPC cause it will be driven by the built-in mode.

Otherwise, could you take a look in the Game Sync Monitor and see if anything changes? If not, open up the capture log, filter for API > RTPC, and see what you're receiving on the "wwise-side"?

Crossing fingers!
by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (40.2k points)
Thanks for your answer - I checked in the profiler and just like I'm hearing- only one of the RTPCs is functioning - I don't understand why?
I even created a new RTPC in WWise and replaced the defunct one and it is not being manipulated? I don't understand if I've done something wrong setting it up but I've never had this problem before...