I am working on a game where the music itself is part of the gameplay. The goal is to create something beyond a rhythm game and beyond adaptive music to simply support the gameplay that is already happening.
Allowing players to modify games is nothing new, but in this particular way I have not seen it done before or know of any projects that do something similar. (Something like Audiosurf does comes to mind, but we're looking to do something a little more modular and granular with the music.)
So my questions are:
1. Do you know of any game that do something similar to what I'm describing. And
2. Do we think there is a way to allow this functionality with Wwise specifically?
The thought process so far is that, if we set certain requirements and instructions for players / modders, it might be possible to a point, but I'm still not sure how this would bump up against working with Wwise. For example, we were thinking from a music perspective we would say whatever you upload needs to be:
X Time Signature
X Key
And from the Wwise side of things I was initially thinking something like: Well, if we make sure they name all the files the same as what we have in our system and we do some programmatic thing to allow it to be picked instead of the music we already have in the game, could it be possible? But I'm not positive yet since I am fairly new to Wwise and still wrapping my head around the entire flow to the end. But it looks like there may be an end step with Wwise where you have to kind of bake the audio into the game that a player wouldn't normally have access to and would probably be too much hassle for the average modder. So I don't know if it would really be possible. Or if it is possible, if we would need to get way more complex with using some automation in the API or something.